How Technology Has Helped Families Through the Pandemic

How Technology Has Helped Families Through the Pandemic

Publish Date: 2021-05-21

Author: Alec Middleton

Inspired by International Day of Families 2021, we decided to take a closer look at how technology has changed over the past year, and impacted family life as a result. While many might argue that technology has driven us apart in recent years, social distancing has given the connective power of technology fresh relevance.


Here’s why we think technology is, today, more important than ever before to our personal, working and familial lives. 


Technology Has Connected Us Through Hard Times

However much of a technology-phobe you might have considered yourself in the past, it has proven so valuable to our relationships throughout the pandemic. FaceTime, Zoom, Whatsapp, and Google meet have allowed vulnerable relatives to keep in touch with their loved ones. Perhaps we outdid the Zoom quizzes just a little bit. But there’s no denying the sense of connection we enjoyed sharing laughs with our loved ones in the moment. 


A Technological Shift in Businesses and Education

It’s easy to reduce technology down to just social media and communication, but it is so much more than that. Major advancements in technology this year have made all aspects of our lives easier. Think about home deliveries, online appointments and e-learning opportunities. 


Businesses and teaching institutions have been forced to harness the true power of technology and make their products and services accessible for all. This has been particularly crucial for our vulnerable community members and their families, who have often been overlooked by companies hungry for footfall. 


Work From Home is Now the Norm

2020 survey conducted by FlexJobs found that 96% of workers desire some form of remote work. And if you thought that was staggering, a whopping 27% of them said that they would be willing to take a 10-20% pay cut just to be given that freedom. If this doesn’t say something about the impact of remote working on employee satisfaction, we don’t know what does! 


Of course, the pandemic quite literally forced businesses to allow their staff to work from home - many of whom, pre-pandemic, would have considered remote working impossible for their company. Funny how much a business can change their minds when delivered an ultimatum!


Naturally, those with families have largely welcomed remote working with open arms. It helps workers maintain a better work/life balance, and massively reduces the cost of childcare, which, of course, can be extremely expensive. 


We’ve All Saved Humongous Amounts of Time

Regardless of how you’ve used technology over the past year, you can be sure it’s saved you time. 


Instead of nipping out to do the groceries, we fill our virtual baskets on Deliveroo and our order’s with us in 30 minutes. Rather than waking up at 6am to get ready for a pre-work networking event, we roll out of bed at 7.30am and switch our webcams on. No more sitting in tailbacks afterwork on a Friday, we simply get up from our at-home desks and crack open the wine. 


All this extra time can be spent focusing on the things that matter most to us in our life, like family. It’s no wonder that families feel like they’ve become closer throughout the pandemic. 


We’re so proud to be a business at the forefront of this new technological movement. We provide solutions that help companies improve employee satisfaction, so that everyone can love what they do. Visit our website to see how we can help your business. 

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