Employee Engagement Surveys: What you need to know

Employee Engagement Surveys: What you need to know

Publish Date: 2023-07-28

Author: Aimee Hodgkinson

To put it in its simplest form: Employee engagement is the level of commitment, enthusiasm and dedication employees have towards their work and the organisation.

Some believe engagement is solely about having happy employees, but true engagement goes beyond this. Enhanced employee engagement reveals itself in employees reaching their full potential and delivering exceptional performance at work.

High engagement occurs when employees are channelling that happiness and energy into achieving the goals of the business. This speeds up individual and team performance.


Measuring employee engagement

You don’t NEED to measure employee engagement, but we think you should! 

Putting a numerical value on engagement allows you to track trends and changes in engagement over time. You can then understand in more detail the impact that the changes you make in the organisation have on engagement.

Using effective engagement measures helps us to predict and ultimately prevent employee turnover. 

You can measure your engagement through employee surveys. Done well, surveys also have the benefit of capturing written feedback as well as data. They are an excellent way to create employee voice. 


Employee survey platforms

💡 74% of employees said they’d be willing to give more feedback if they were truly anonymous

One of the first topics that comes up when an organisation decides to do an employee engagement survey is utilising a third party company. 

So what are the advantages of using an employee engagement platform to carry out your surveys? 

  1. The best questions are those written with the aid of a third-party viewpoint. An expert, outside perspective will be most helpful to leadership and HR teams. These questions can be written in a neutral way and make the most of the insight you capture. 

  2. For anonymity and trust, using a third-party employee survey platform is crucial. It makes the survey-taking experience for employees as psychologically safe as possible. It might be challenging for teams to trust their responses are anonymous when surveys are conducted internally.

  3. A specialised platform can greatly speed up data processing and the time it takes to move from survey launch to action. When it comes to analysing and disseminating survey results, choosing a platform to do the data-crunching for you can be a smart investment. Often saving enormous amounts of time. 


Tips for asking the right questions

The surveys should be kept brief and contain only the questions that would elicit the best responses from the staff.

To provide you with data points and written responses, we advise using a variety of scaled questions (0–10) with a few written feedback questions also. This will allow your team to finish the survey in a reasonable amount of time and give them the opportunity to provide comments that are more in-depth.

💡 Aim to keep the number of questions on your employee survey around 12-20. Better data quality and response rates will result from doing this as people won’t lose interest.

We recommend that you ask questions that fit in with the 4 engagement pillars, to ensure that you are exploring a number of different areas that contribute to employee engagement.


💡 When a company leads with purpose, employees are 78% more likely to want to work for that company.

When employees feel connected to the mission of the company, their engagement improves significantly. They find meaning and purpose in their work, knowing that their efforts contribute to something larger than themselves. 


💡 As many as 57% of employees quit because of their boss. The strength of your leadership team makes a huge difference to the culture and success of your teams.

A great leader inspires and motivates their team members, earning their trust and respect. They provide clear direction, guidance, and support, allowing employees to perform their best and reach their full potential. 


💡 74% of employees say that a lack of professional development is preventing them from reaching their full potential.

Employee engagement improves when employees feel fulfilled in their role. When individuals find their work meaningful and aligned with their values, they are motivated to invest their time and energy into their work, going above and beyond to achieve goals. 


💡 Organisations that trust their employees increase their employee engagement by 76%.

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychologically safe workplaces. 

Psychologically safe workplaces promote healthier, more productive and more inclusive workforces. They also provide the environment in which innovation can thrive and people can perform at their best.

Getting started with your survey process

A successful business depends on knowing how to encourage team engagement and satisfaction at work. 

Utilising employee engagement surveys to collect truthful, trustworthy input, it’s possible to take action and build a fantastic workplace with the feedback and data.

What makes us different?

Ten Space helps organisations understand what is driving, or holding back engagement in their teams. 

We do this through frequent, bespoke engagement surveys, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

WhatsApp, SMS & Email

💡 38% of employees planned to quit their job in the next six months to a year.

Our survey platform gathers employee feedback via Whatsapp, SMS & Email surveys so your people can respond on their terms. 

We ensure that you can reach all your employees, even those without a company email. This inclusivity fosters better communication and engagement throughout your workforce.

This leads to higher participation and a more inclusive experience, capturing the data from all your people, easily.

Bespoke question sets

💡 1/3 of frontline workers feel disconnected from their colleagues in HQ and 4 in 10 employees feel their management is out of touch. 

You can ask the questions you want the answers to. We provide a bank of great questions for you to choose from that covers the 4 pillars of employee engagement. 

If there’s something specific you want to find out, we can do that too! Our engagement experts can help guide you to creating the perfect questions.


💡 38% of employees don’t feel their manager knows them well enough to understand their full potential.

There are some challenges you might face in engaging and addressing issues within a dispersed workforce, where employees work in various locations. 

It can be difficult to pinpoint specific problems or concerns without the ability to gather location-specific feedback.

Our employee survey platform offers advanced data segmentation.

This enables you to gather feedback from specific locations, teams or job roles. With this insight, you can identify the exact sources of challenges and implement targeted action plans to address them effectively.

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our case studies.

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